Irene Alda

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6 steps to create a yoga space

6 steps to create a yoga space

I've moved recently and it has changed my world. In my previous home there was very little space and many distractions when I practiced. To do resistance training it was fine, but as soon as I wanted to try an arm balance: I would touch a piece of furniture and fall out. This made it hard for me to concentrate and it called me less to be on the mat. This change has allowed to see the importance of having a space that is exclusive for yoga or any other fitness activity that you like to do at home. How to make it happen? It's easy:

1. Space

Make sure you have enough space to move and do the exercises you need. It doesn't have to be too big, just enough so you have no distractions or not hit yourself with something.

2. Place a figure or a picture of something that motivates you

Depending on what the space is dedicated to you can put whatever you like: from a small Buddha to a pictures Kayla Itsine's abs. Maybe a picture of landscape you like. Personally I have a wooden Buddha and mala from my honeymoon in Bali and some candleholders shaped as lotus flower in different colors with vanilla candles.

3. Material

You'll need available whatever material you'll need: yoga mat, block, straps, TRK, weights, kettle bells, foam-roller, etc. Perhaps you can put the yoga mats on a nice basket. It looks very nice. Of course you can have your phone for music or if you are following a guide but put it on "plane mode" so no calls or messages distract you.

4. Minimalist and tidy

Yes, yes, maybe it's like I am not making sense. You need to have what you need available but  not too many things. In general, you'll need a space that makes you feel relaxed. If you have many things, they will distract you. A simple shelve  is enough to have everything organized.

5. Create a magic: fragrance and light

Ideally, the space you selected has nice light (if not you can place a pretty lamp). You can also play up with the sense of smell. Perhaps a home fragrance that is fresh, candles or incense. Some plants are also an excellent idea.

6. Respect

This is key. Use your yoga or fitness space just for this. Maintain it nice and tidy so it is ready to use. If you place your everyday things in it, it will loose its magic and use.

I hope these tips help and motivate you with you yoga practice of fitness schedule. I'd love to see your creations, so don't doubt to share on Instagram and tag me @livinglavidayoga.